How to connect to inviter

Method One:

If you're accessing during the Early Access period, due to the whitelist mechanism, you'll need to connect with an inviter to gain entry. Thus, when you open the product page, you'll be asked to enter an invitation code. By entering someone else's invitation code, you can successfully bind this user as your inviter.

Method Two:

  1. Click on [Event] → [Mega Drop] in the navigation bar.

  1. Switch to the [Invites] section.

  1. Input the wallet address of the person you wish to bind in the space provided, then click on [Connect]. This will successfully bind the address. Please note, as each person has a limited number of invitations, if the binding process fails, it may be due to insufficient invitation slots.

Please be aware that each user has a limited number of invitation allocations. Therefore, if the binding process fails, it could be due to a shortage of available invite slots.

Last updated