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Liquidity Incentives will be open in near future.
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Liquidity Incentives will be open in near future.
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There are actually two kinds of Liquidity Mining incentives that Pawnfi designed to reward ecosystem contributors but at the same time encourage long-term growth with us - Passive Mining and Active Mining.
Every Pawnfi user accrues $PAWN for each block they are supplying to or borrowing from the pool-based liquidity pool. The "PAWN speed" unique to each lending market is a factor that specifies the amount of $PAWN that is distributed, per block, to suppliers and borrowers in each market. This number might be changed for individual markets based on the market condition or through a successful Pawnfi Governance proposal.
Note that not every market has $PAWN distributed to its participants.
Note that participants will need to stake his/ her iToken in the gauge (each lending pool will have its corresponding gauge) to earn active mining reward. Also it is not guaranteed that every gauge will be distributed with active reward - while the total amount is based on the market condition or through a successful Pawnfi Governance proposal, the distribution is based on the result of weekly gauge voting. That is, with 0 voting, a gauge with the most liquidity may still be earning 0 $PAWN!
Each cycle begins on Thursday at 00:00:00 UTC and ends on the following Wednesday at 23:59:59 UTC.
It is a governmental process to leave iToken holders compete for $PAWN token reward. By staking iToken to specific gauge and perform with voting power, each lending pool has a chance to win all the weekly active reward.